I’ve been DYING to photograph old school windmills and have been bugging Rico to take me to farms across Ontario, in hopes that I’d find them (most likely not though). I didn’t even realize that the Netherlands was windmill galore until Michelle told me! I was ecstatic!!! I caught a few shots of them along the highway as we were driving into and out of the country, but they could never compare to capturing them up close by actually paying a visit to the countryside farms. Bella, a spunky little lady in our tour group, hopped on the train and went to the countryside – this is a photo that she took that I asked to edit and post in my album. I would not have spent my day shopping if I had known that there was someone else in the tour group that would trek to a farm with me. As good as shopping is, it is NOT as good as going to a farm and doing a photoshoot with old school windmills. Not even close. I WILL BE BACK, NETHERLANDS! (Just not to Amsterdam in particular.)

Anyway, photo credit goes to Bella. I’m going to pretend that I was there with you.

I also REALLY, REALLY want to photograph real, cool lighthouses. I heard New Jersey’s the place. I will go there, too.

amsterdam, netherlands, hollan photography, dutch windmills

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 12:27 pm