Author Archives: Charlene Precious

If you haven’t already watched Emma Watson’s speech for the U.N., please do so right here, if not for interest in the topic of feminism, then simply for witnessing an absolutely stellar delivery. Topic aside, she really did nail the delivery. She’s only 24 years old with her best years still ahead of her, yet she has already accomplished something so profound that most of us will never experience in our lifetime. As a fellow woman in her 20’s, I am truly in awe.

I don’t really know where I stand on the subject of feminism (pardon my ignorance) and that is perhaps because I’ve fallen into the very trap that’s so clearly articulated in this speech. We can all acknowledge that a stigma has developed over time around the word “feminism”, making many women feel uncomfortable associating themselves with it, including myself. Agree or disagree, the speech does encourage you to re-evaluate, hence this post. Perhaps all too often, I look at this issue through my First World lens, in my First World bubble, where I’ve been lucky enough not to experience gender inequality. Not enough to be a cause for concern anyway. I tend to think that we are so damn privileged in a million different ways that it seems so trivial to belabour things like.. not having enough female executives. There are bigger fish to fry so to speak. I could be wrong for saying that but it’s one opinion.

The reality is that outside of my bubble, I know there are extreme gender inequalities, especially in countries where women literally have rights closer to an animal than a human being. That level of inequality is what puts a fire in my stomach. It makes much of our First World inequality issues seem like child’s play. We really have it pretty good and there are other groups that need way more help. There are numerous books and films representing the voices of women who have truly been victims of extreme inequality. I’ve read them and I’ve watched them and while it bothers me A LOT and makes me sick to my stomach to hear stories that my mind can’t even fathom, the problem is so “far away” from my reality that it finds a place in my heart for maybe 15 minutes at a time and then gets filed away until next time.

Watson quoted Hillel the Elder: “If not me, who? If not now, when?” How can I make a small dent somewhere?


Posted By Charlene Precious @ 4:40 pm
September 20, 2014

More San Fran cityscapes. :) These were taken at the top of Twin Peaks. I remember that the wind was so strong that day, it was a bit scary to be so high up. It was gorgeous though. Chris and I are planning a small trip to the southern US, potentially New Mexico for a Breaking Bad road trip. The place looked pretty scenic in the show, so it’s definitely tempting.

I have my first assignment this semester due on Tuesday. You know what they really love to teach you in business school? Michael Porter’s Five Forces. My god, that framework has been hammered into our heads over and over and over and it sinks in a little deeper each time. They really want you to get good at it and to get good at it, you have to use it A LOT and that’s exactly what’s happening. It ought to come in handy.

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Posted By Charlene Precious @ 10:09 pm
September 19, 2014

I want to blog about our wedding before too much time passes. September 5, 2014: Our barn / farm wedding came together beautifully. It was honestly the absolute best day ever and I am so happy to be married to the love of my life. Chris is the most perfect person in the world for me and our day was filled with the sweetest memories. Words cannot express the overwhelming joy and warmth that is brought by friends, loved ones, and family coming together to celebrate your day. We were extra overjoyed because the weatherman was calling for rain the whole week leading up to our wedding day. We had planned an outdoor ceremony on a hill and rain would literally have been the worst thing that could happen. We didn’t even make a Plan B because rain was simply not an option. We prayed and prayed and prayed tirelessly. And then came the greatest day. Clear blue skies and although very hot, the heat was negated by a lot of wind, and our ceremony carried on outdoors as planned. The weather continued to stay awesome and the rain held out until a couple of hours after the reception had started inside the barn. Then it came. It was some serious rain with some crazy wind, we thought the barn would take us to Oz. :) But all of our stars aligned and prayers were answered as always. Our God is so good to us. My advice to those debating an outdoor-ish wedding, just do it! Greater risk, greater reward. :)

We all ate delicious food, danced plenty, sang sweet songs, spoke from the heart, played games, gave hugs, gave kisses, said I love yous, held hands, laughed a whole bunch, cried a wee bit, made promises, felt more love than ever, and it has all become a beautiful memory. I’m so grateful for our parents, wedding party, and talented vendors who helped make our dream and vision come together. I really hated most of the planning process (I don’t have patience for event planning) but it was undoubtedly ALL WORTH IT in the end. Would I do it all again? Yes. :) The wedding day was that much fun that I’d go through the dreaded planning process again to re-live the day.

So, despite the overload of awesomeness, no one tells you about post-wedding blues until you find out for yourself! I didn’t even know that the darn thing existed. I was overwhelmed with pure happiness for a few days when we were on our minimoon at Ste. Anne’s Spa and then BAM! I transitioned to this happy-sad state, if that makes any sense. Like sweet sorrow almost, which came just by suddenly realizing that the most perfect and amazing day has come and gone!!! What an insane realization. And then despite how amazing the day was, I started to overthink every detail of the day and the little things I had missed as a result of not being on my A game and deciding to let our wedding day take me away completely. How stupid does that even sound? (Lol). But I’m happy to say that two weeks later, I’ve beat both the post-wedding blues and overthinking the details. It takes a bit of time for us mildly crazy people. The cure? Talking it all out, blogging, and editing imperfect pictures curated from the cameras of family and friends. We won’t be seeing our professional photos and videos for another 2-3 months – that really hurts me to think about, lol. But I will share when they’re ready!

So, here are a few imperfectly perfect pictures we can call our own, thanks to all of our picture-taking guests!! I’ve only posted a few on this blog because I don’t want this post to overpower all my other posts (even though it kind of already has, seeing as I’ve rambled on for a few paragraphs now). Instead, I’ve provided a link to our wedding blog where more of the photos can be seen: click here. :) I also think I’m going to preserve our wedding website and keep it alive for a while. I’m a memory-monster if you can’t already tell.

Anyway, what an experience to remember. Love it!!! #OntoTheNextThing!

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Posted By Charlene Precious @ 10:13 am
September 15, 2014

Here’s a couple from San Fran, for my lack of posting lately. :) I just LOVE the hills and the staggered houses and buildings. The problem is, I just don’t think I could drive there! I’d actually be too worried about my car just rolling away. Being a passenger was scary enough; I always felt like the vehicle was going to give up on an uphill climb or come crashing down, although that fear was really quite unwarranted since the likelihood of cars rolling around was low as long as good drivers were behind the wheel. But I can’t believe there are residences on Lombard Street whose dwellers would need to park in and out of their garages on that crazy steep hill. Doesn’t seem to be the most practical area to live and to maneuver a vehicle? Love the city anyway. I also have a new found addiction to cityscape shots.

Both photos have been listed at my Etsy shop!

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Posted By Charlene Precious @ 4:53 pm
September 13, 2014

I haven’t posted since my bachelorette!! It has been an extra large whirlwind since then wrapping up at work and getting ready for the big day! But I’m here, alive and extremely happy!! I had the best day of my life on our wedding day and can’t wait to post pictures. I don’t have much time to write too much right now but wanted to get something up just so the blog isn’t sitting out of date for too long. I’m so behind on pictures in general. I still have so many from San Francisco to post. Now that the Fall semester has started back up and wedding plans are over and I’m not working full time, life will be much calmer. Or so I hope. I’m excited to be spending more time on the business. :) Will be back to post more really soon!


Posted By Charlene Precious @ 7:58 pm
August 24, 2014

I had my bachelorette party yesterday and of all the surge of emotions I am feeling today, gratefulness is the biggest of them all. I am so grateful for the remarkable people in my life.

My Maid of Honour Laisie is just amazing and I love her to pieces. She’s a sister from another mother. Thank you so much for all your impeccable planning + everything else. If I were to list them all, this post would never end. I’m so lucky to have you as my MOH – you are actually the best. My bridesmaid Sarah is not a makeup artist by trade but definitely might as well be one considering her raw talent in making others look beautiful. Thank you so much for painting on my face and for bringing so much life to the party. My bridesmaid Andrea brought me to my first hardcore house music club and while I had no idea how to dance to the music, it’s surely high on storytelling value and a hilarious addition to my list of Firsts. Thank you for flawlessly pouring an ice bucket over my head and doing the #icebucketchallenge with me last night. My bridesmaid and baby sister Charmane is simply the sweetest girl around, supportive and present no matter what.

The day began at the spa at the Ritz Carlton, and then a hoedown at Rock ‘n’ Horse Saloon, and then dancing at Uniun Night Club. Oh and then my #icebucketchallenge in our hotel room. I’ve made my donation at and you should, too. I think it’s FANTASTIC that this has gone as viral as it has. And for all you naysayers, your negativity is unwelcome and you should read this!

Enjoy the trip down memory lane! 11 days until the wedding!!!

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And my #icebucketchallenge video. :)

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 8:59 pm
August 15, 2014

I had a wicked childhood even all the way up to my tween years and my carnival photos remind me of it all the time. I definitely wish I could go back in time and relive those wonder years. :)


Posted By Charlene Precious @ 4:46 pm
August 10, 2014

It’s only now that the wedding stuff is getting to be a lot more fun than troublesome. For the record, I’m officially enjoying it a lot now. Probably because the tasks are different now being a month out. Or maybe I’m just getting really excited and am in a different headspace. :) We made a bunch of chalkboard signs, picked our songs, bought nice paper to write our love letters on, bought my bridal jewelry, bought chris’ wedding shoes, worked on our wedding favours, and a bunch of miscellaneous things. I will make a point to take pictures of ALL of our DIY items before the wedding and post them here. :) We are getting so excited!!! I can’t wait!

I also went for my first dress fitting this past Thursday and thank goodness I love the dress just as much as I did when I bought it back in November. There was a bit of anxiety there as to whether I’d feel the same about the dress 9 months later! *phew*

Here’s one from Santa Cruz, California beach boardwalk, inspired by an old roller coaster shot here. I LOVE carnivals. They make everything better.

Happy Sunday! And happy birthday to my little sister! <3


Posted By Charlene Precious @ 6:36 pm

Fastest editing I’ve ever done! I’ve wanted to get some pictures up from the Jack and Jill before too much time passes and with so much work tonight, I had to speed-edit these. Hope they look alright. :) Gotta document in a timely manner while the event is still somewhat relevant.

Anyway, that’s it from me. I love my amazing family and soon-to-be husband.

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Posted By Charlene Precious @ 10:27 pm

I really can’t wait for our next vacation, which will also be our honeymoon. :) Need to get away again! I am so inspired by travel and need frequent doses of it. It’s such a good rejuvenator.

It’s official. I watch way too many horror movies. Chris was up at the cottage yesterday so I spent the night by myself. I went to bed at 10:30pm because I was tired but then ended up tossing and turning until 3:30am. FIVE HOURS!!! That is so unlike me because I usually fall asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow. But not last night. Last night I had all these crazy horror movie scenarios playing in my head with my plans of escape. It was horrible at the time but funny in hindsight of course. I also drank a whole cup of coffee yesterday afternoon, which I never do. Not a coffee drinker by any means and so of course, the one time I have a cup, I have to suffer through 5 hours of counting sheep in hopes that it would help me fall asleep. Who knew that a simple combination of horror movies and a cup of coffee would be the death of me.

Anyway, this is us in Santa Cruz, California. A beach and a carnival in one place? I couldn’t have asked for more. It was too much fun.


Posted By Charlene Precious @ 10:10 pm